Short Brief Rural Youth Development Is Extremely Important. Training Them In Key Areas Like Cooperative And Project Management, Fund Management, Funds Management, Agriculture And Market Access Will Build Their Resilience There exists a chilling imbalance between the resources and populations on the planet. The world population is increasing while resources are decreasing. Scientists have sounded the alarm […] Description Reviews 0 Recent Donations Rural Youth Development Is Extremely Important. Training Them In Key Areas Like Cooperative And Project Management, Fund Management, Funds Management, Agriculture And Market Access Will Build Their Resilience There exists a chilling imbalance between the resources and populations on the planet. The world population is increasing while resources are decreasing. Scientists have sounded the alarm by saying that people are putting nature in more trouble now than at any other time in human history, with the risk of extinction looming over 1 million species of plants and animals. Cultivable lands are shrinking, rivers are drying up, poverty has become epidemic in some regions of the world due to climate change The World Bank adds that without appropriate adaptation measures climate change will cause 100 million additional people to live in extreme poverty by 2030. Statistics and reports about the state of the planet sound more disturbing for the youths whose future seems to have been mortgaged by climate change. Youth unemployment and poverty have greater implications on the wider society as they can generate insecurity, unrest and conflicts. Terrorism, in some parts of the world rides on the back of young people’s poverty for they are easily recruited to join the ranks of gun wielders. Climate change-related shocks will slow down our progress in reducing poverty It is therefore, extremely important to develop youth-centered approaches and invest in areas that are capable of having quick ripple effects around communities. Cooperatives show considerable potential for empowering youth and alleviating the growing global youth jobs crisis. CCRF’s actions focus on training, organizing and empowering the youths in agriculture: crop and farming lines, and services to create jobs, eradicate poverty, and build the resilience of communities to climate change.